With aging, it is noticed that the skin is tight and loses vitality. Its elasticity decreases, it dries, it starts to crack, it is easily infected. It is easily appears seborrhea, buds, acne and spots. Nails are broken or split. Hair is torn, falls, scalp is so dry that it flakes.
This means that vitamin A deficiency has impaired the control and regulation of sweat and sebaceous glands, impeding the production of keratin and the regeneration of skin cells. Vitamin E deficiency opens up a wide field of free radicals, impairs cell function and division, and slows down regeneration. The skin loses moisture, it is not well hydrated. Of course, skin problems quickly spread to the hair and nails. The body gives us different signals, suggesting that something is wrong with our health. The appearance of the skin can be restored, with both medicines and pure cosmetic effects. Depending on the severity of the problem, cosmetics are often more effective and give a faster result (as they act locally / directly to the problem) than the remedies. Pure cosmetic procedures are used. They are different for different skin needs and problems . In addition to styling hair care, cosmetic hair care also includes washing, nourishing the scalp, hair restoration, hydrating, pre-drying treatment, thermal protection, conditioning (protection against static electricity), combing, smoothing the hair surface, styling. There is no one who does not want to have healthy and shiny hair. But to make this possible, we must take special care of her. Moreover, when we have a busy day, we follow diets, the weather is constantly changing – all this affects our hair! All mentioned cause of hair loss have inspired us to create the professional Collagen and Alzeda Advanced hair series. Most often, collagen is used in white cosmetics (creams, lotions, eye serums, etc.), but we forget that the appearance of hair depends 100% on the condition of our scalp. Its specific surface should be “treated” with gentle detergents, and care must be taken as to what ingredients penetrate in depth and what action would it have? We have created five products that close the entire recovery cycle for your hair.

  1. Delicate Hair Shampoo (Collagen, Argan Oil & Macadamia Oil)
  2. Regenerating Hair Conditioner (Collagen, Shea Butter)
  3. Regenerating Hair Mask (Collagen, Argan Oil, Macadamia Oil)
  4. Milk with Collagen (Collagen, Argan Oil, Macadamia Oil, Lactic Acid)
  5. Hair Polishing Serum (Argan Oil, Macadamia, Grape Seed Oil, Shea Butter, Olive Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil)

You can find full information about our series in the Professional Hair Products section Products (Alzeda Advanced – Professional hair care series with Collagen and oils).